I do believe we’ve recovered from the fireworks! Once again, San Jose PD has totally let me down when it comes to preventative community policing. Good to know they’ll show up if theres a body involved, maybe I should have lobbed a bottle rocket at one of the gang bangers down the street. That’ll get the cops here, in celebration, but that’s better than nothing.
And yes, Sheba pooped yesterday. Cowpie, but who cares, its poop and our vet says cowpie is ok. While I was in class, Ruth took Sheba in for a new fentanyl patch. By the way, removing the old one was a total nightmare last night, but its way better than the staples we had after the TPLO patches. Dr. Appel did a once over, incision looks good and stitches will come out next Wednesday.
Histopathology came in today: definitely NOT cancer, definitely YES its infectious. Still waiting on the fungal identification and susceptibility. Why can’t they make the little hyphae grow faster!!! I hated doing fungal cultures in microlab, these people must really love their jobs because I’d just shoot myself!

So happy for the not cancer diagnosis! Sure not used to hearing that around here. Also doing the happy poop dance for you! For sticky patch removal, we use hand sanitizer to release the glue….works on elderly skin at the hospital I work at. Enjoy your good news!
Paula and Nitro
Hand Sanitizer? I’ll have to try that, I use a very sticky sports tape and get skin tears easily so I buy bottles of adhesive remover in bulk, which is what we used last night but the patch and overwrap were so darn sticky it took a lot of goop and a lot of work. Normally the techs take it off with adhesive remover but they’re way quicker about it than we are.