It’s been a week and a half since Sheba died. Us humans are still sad, but it’s taken quite the toll on Bruddah Buster. He’s been visibly depressed in addition to having physical symptoms like diarrhea and urinary incontinence. So we took him in to our family vet, who ran some tests then sent us to the internist that last treated Sheba. Since Buster ate Sheba’s poop on a few occasions we’re going to have to watch him for symptoms, but its highly unlikely he’ll get a fungal infection from her poop. Then again, it was also unlikely that Sheba would get a fungal infection in the first place! We did learn that he’s got enlarged spleen and prostate, so they took biopsies yesterday. He came home drunk and its just now wearing off. They also gave him metronidazole for the diarrhea (he had an accident in the hall between exam rooms and the kennels!), and are testing for the usual suspects. We have an empty pool (thank you, California Drought) with a bit of water in it. Vector control comes out and drops these tabs in it, but I think they’re for killing mosquitoes, not things like giardia. Nikko and Dolly are back to normal at least. Hopefully this all clears up soon, we’re going through a lot of cleaning supplies!