Tripawd Day 2

Last night was Sheba’s first night home.  Since I’ve got school and work all week my aunt and I agreed that I’d sleep with Sheba and be on “duty” at her bedside during the day today.  The neighborhood (illegal) fireworks that lasted all night didn’t help her anxiety and she was restless until I was finally able to restart her on trazodone around 1am.  She keeps staring at her incision and flexing her muscles like she’s trying to find her leg.  Hoping the gabapentin will help with that.  She finally ate this morning, but only the chicken, not kibbles.  towards the end I had to pick out the remaining chicken pieces for her because she’s too drugged to pick around the kibbles.

getting used to my new harness
getting used to my new harness

Mostly slept today, but she did get up enough times for us to get her Webmaster harness on, adjusted, and then attached the brush guard.  I really wish we had been able to fit it prior to surgery but the first harness was too small so the replacement didn’t come in until the afternoon of surgery.  But yay for Amazon Prime and free next day shipping!  Fortunately, Sheba seems to be ok with this harness, we were worried she’d protest because its bigger than her previous walking harness (looks like a harness a lot of the front-leg tripawds use).  So far she hasn’t had any side effects from the antibiotic or antifungal.  Hopefully that continues to go well.

Author: sheba2011

5/23/16 Sheba went in for TPLO of the right leg (left had been done year prior). Initial tests were inconclusive suggesting fungal or cancer. 6/22/16 fine needle aspirate in conjunction with review from specialist resulted in diagnosis of osteomyelitis of fungal origin. Organism could not be ID'd. Amputation 6/30/16, bone sent to pathology for identification and susceptibility. Final diagnosis: systemic Aspergilosis Current treatment: Itraconazole and terbinafine

7 thoughts on “Tripawd Day 2”

  1. Sounds like a good report! We love the Ruffwear webmaster plus harness, which it looks like Sheba is wearing. Otis doesn’t mind wearing it at all, and reacts to it just like he does his collar. Expect lots of sleeping for the next few days. Rest is one of the best ways for her to heal. Unfortunately, two more nights of illegal fireworks! It’s not even dark here and I hear them now.

    1. We actually bought the regular Webmaster because it seemed less bulky and she’ll be wearing it around the clock for a bit. Our surgeon recommended a Help ’em Up harness, which we have, but Sheba doesn’t like it so we looked for something more comfortable.

      Today fireworks started at 2:30. Fortunately everyone got their sedatives at 2 so
      We’ve been ok. Yesterday was so hectic we had given Sheba her meds but the other dogs hadn’t had anything!

  2. Pofi ate more chicken and deli turkey in the first days than anything else, so I think it is fine that she had just chicken. And yes, hooray, for Amazon Prime. Glad you have a comfy harness for her. And so glad she is home and recovering.

    1. The surgeon said to give her whatever she wants, so long as she eats so the antifungal and antibiotic go down on a full stomach. it sounds like a lot of dogs ate everything BUT kibble post op. im so thankful Amazon offers a student trial of Prime, otherwise shipping would have been too expensive and we’d have had to wait til next week to get the harness. we’ve gone potty twice with the harness and I think im getting the hang of how much support she wants and how much support she needs. I’m still wondering the logistics of pooping, but I guess she’ll have to figure that out on her own anyway.

  3. Poop might wait another day or two. Don’t stress about it. And yes, she will figure it out on her own when she needs to go. Sounds like you are doing a great job of reading her body language in terms of how much help is needed. Just keep following her lead.
    You might see a bit of a crash around day 3 -5 when the hospital meds wear off. It’s normal. Just be very alert to any pain signals and call your vet if she seems to be in pain. Many of us had to adjust pain meds at that time.

  4. Hate all those blankety-blank fireworks! For them to go off just as sweet Sheba is coming home from surgery after an amputation…poor thing!

    The twitching is normal. Muscles and nerves are still acting as though the leg is still there. The twitching will lessen eventually, but will still show up every now and then.

    You have a great support system working as a team. That’s lovely to hear.

    Sheba looks so sweet in her photo. Can’t wait to see more! 🙂


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    She still jas some rough days ahead, but soon the sparkle will start to come back…PROMISE!

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